Thursday, December 20, 2007

With Fingers Crossed and Eyes Straight Ahead

At the risk of speaking too soon, I think I may be over the health hump and finally on the mend. The ear infection that has vexed me for some time appears to have withdrawn. My other health issues have remained very quiet and I pray nothing happens to change that.

The biggest sacrifice I have had to make during this medical odyssey has been my academic work. I should have been much further along in my studies than I am but it couldn't be avoided. My crafting has also gone by the wayside and I feel bereft without the excitement of creating something new and beautiful.

With a healthier outlook on my life, I am looking forward to a productive new year. I have already taken steps to re-establish myself in New York bomba circle and am planning to return to dance classes in an effort to tone up, increase my stamina and endurance, and perhaps lose some weight in the bargain. I am also looking forward to crafting again. I want to spend more time this year doing the things that bring me joy. In retrospect, the happiest times of my life were those during which I concentrated on doing what I loved. It's been a long time since I've felt that good and this year I want to take some steps in that direction. I want to feel alive again.

Here's to 2008. Bring it on.

Ballo ergo sum,
Always and all ways,
- Gitana, the Creative Diva

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